6-10 September 2015

Maritim Hotel Bad Homburg, Bad Homburg, Germany

Подача тезисов: до 23.03.2015

 Темы конференции:

  • Deposition and in-situ doping of diamond and carbon materials using CVD and PVD techniques
  • Carbon nanostructures for energy harvesting and storage
  • Diamond power devices
  • Carbon-based heterostructures with novel oxide and nitride materials
  • Quantum effects and single defect engineering in diamond and related applications
  • Carbon surface physics and chemistry governing charge transfer
  • Solution processing of diamond nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes and graphene
  • (Bio)(electro)chemical functionalization of carbon materials for biomedical and environmental use


Сайт конференции: http://www.diamond-conference.elsevier.com/