7-8 августа Chengdu, Китай
Подача тезисов до 1.04.2015
Scientific, Project, Research, Survey and Data papers are most welcome from a potential contributor (before April 1st). Papers accepted will be published by DEStech Publications. DEStech will have the CD-ROM indexed in ISTPand Google Book Search.
Topics of interest (not limited to):
Control Theory and Application
-Adaptive Control
-Instruments and Vibration Control
-Industrial Process Control
-Flexible Manufacturing Systems
-Motion Control
-Optimal Control
-AI, Intelligent Control, Neuro-Control, Fuzzy Control
Mechanic Manufacturing System and Automation
-Vehicle Engineering and Safe
-Biomedical Engineering and Biosystems Automation
-Electrical Engineering and Automation
-Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics
-Mechanical and Liquid Flow Dynamic
-Intelligent Automation
Conference Website: www.icmea2015.org